November 28, 2008

Friday again and today there are all kind of sales going on nothing shocking i think.

Today the early bird word is Graphic and the normal word of the day is Voluptuous.

Then there is super and letters as bonus codes.

Enjoy the weekend and see you all next week!

November 27, 2008

OK I was gone to work way to early today and my backup seem to have forgot so here is at least something.

The word of the day today is Possess.

and some bonus codes: card, lucy and manure

November 26, 2008

Today's early bird word is Reaction and the normal word of the day is Practical.

Bonus code: gift boxes and Double
Good morning Calgary,

WOW, did some of you get to enjoy the warm weather yesterday? It was 10 degrees in Calgary!

EBWOTD: "Fortune"

WOD: "believe"

Some Bonus codes :"Joyful", "historic"


November 24, 2008

Hello Calgary!

Go Stamps Go!!! I am not much of a football fan, but very proud of Calgary.

WOD: "wrong"

Many bonus codes: "Fruitcake" (100pts), "Holidays" (from sunday still works) (100 pts), "tidings" (from saturday still works)(100 pts), "Facebook friends" (2000pts).

Have a Great week guys!

November 21, 2008

OK today I also did not make it before 9. Work this week was crazzy and also today will still be busy but then it is weekend and some extra sleep will help me.

So lets do the blog and then go work and then relax.

Today's freeloader word of the day is Analysis

Then lets do some bonus codes laugh and stockings

November 20, 2008

Early morning again. I am of to the small towns today so lets go and do our post.

The early bird word is CATTLE and the freeloader word of the day is PHOTOCOPY.

caroling is a bonus code for 100 points.

November 19, 2008

What a beautiful morning with a fresh coat of snow.

Today the early bird word is PLANES you know the machine people use to go to the warmer places. DISABLE is the normal freeloader word of today.

Then some bonus codes:
season, abbey and homebrew

November 18, 2008

Good morning,

Was too late for the EBWOD, but the WOD is "trendy", and virtual mall bonus code is "bell" for 100pts.

have super day all!!!

November 17, 2008

Yes Snow is here so enjoy it while it last. And with the warm weather hitting Calgary the next two days it could be gone pretty soon.

LIBERTY is the early bird word of the day and THREAD is the normal word.

fireplace, friendship and festive will give you some bonus points

November 14, 2008

Hello all,

Just wanted to share, my baby is 100 days today :D

WOD: "Pepperoni"

Virtual Mall Bonus Code: "families"

Have a great day!

November 13, 2008

Good morning,

I didnt make it in time for the early bird word, thanks for those who posted it in yesterday's comments section.

WOD: "Select"

Bonus code: "Popcorn" 100pts

Cartoon BC: "Poster" 2000pts

Did you guys read about the proposed increase in Calgary LRT fares and a fee for LRT parking. What do you think about this fare raise?

November 12, 2008

Good morning all,

Did you all have a holiday for rememberance day yesterday? Could some of you take a long long weekend away from work?

Well, here goes:

Virtual Mall Word: "cookie"

WOD: "Disgust"

Bonus Code: "Winter" (Although today its going to be 12degrees, its already upto 9!, Yeah for Calgary).

Have a great day!

November 10, 2008

Monday and to early for me to put the early bird word.

I guess lots of you will enjoy a long weekend but not me.

Today the jack word of the day is DREAMER.

And here are some bonus codes:

CHEERS for 100 points
chimney tops for 100 jack points
DUAL for 100 points and 1 entry
SHAZAM! for 2000 points
gingerbread house is good for 100 points
lyrics is good for 200 points

November 7, 2008

FRIDAY again and after a week of hard work isn't it nice to have weekend.
Lots of you will make it an extra long weekend and I hope you guys all have fun.

Entertain is today's early bird word and Instigate the normal word of the day

Bonus codes:

BOW for 100 points
ICE for 100 points
TWINS for 2000 points
candy canes for 100 points

November 06, 2008

Good morning Freeloaders,

I am filling in for the blog guy who had to be at work super early.

I wasnt in time for the EBWOD, but the WOD is "SUBSTANCE"

Are you all enjoying the snow in Calgary? I wonder if its going to stay for winter. I am not taking a chance, and am getting my snow tires next week :D

What do you Calgarians think of Obama as president in the US?


November 5, 2008

OK it is all a bit much isn't it. First real snow and a Black President of the US all in one day.

So be carefull at the HIGHWAY (early bird word) because the deerfoot will be filled with people being scared of the snow.

And CONSTRUCTED is the normal freeloader word

the bonus code

LOOTING for 2000 points

November 4, 2008

Tuesday a big day in the US but here in Calgary it will just be cold.

MOIST is the early bird word of today. TYPE is today normal word of the day.

Then a couple of bonus codes:

travolta good for 100 points and 1 entry
Shocking good for 2000 points

November 3, 2008

Monday in the new month November is here and that means Christmas is coming soon to.

Today the Early Bird word is ORGANS and the normal Jack FM Freeloader word of the day is QUALITY