July 30th, 2008

Good Morning,

Did anyone manage to get tickets for "Body World", it went on sale last evening at 6pm, I tried to click at 6:02 pm, they were already sold out!

EBWOD: "gasp"

WOD: "unlock"

Have a fabulous day!


Anonymous said...

WOd Unlock

Anonymous said...

I am sad today, about the moose incident yesterday... what do any of you think about what they did? Do you agree with it or should they have called fish and wildlife to traquilize it and relocate it. I do not think 16 shots from a low caliber rifle was called for? Am I wrong or over reacting?

Anonymous said...

The moose incident and all the bears that get killed too. I don't think it's right. We are always moving further out, encroaching on their space and then we kill them when they attack or inconvenience people. Animals deserve better.

StitchWitch said...

I don't think you are over reacting. I am a hunter and do not like to see these things happen. And yes they could have easily relocated this animal. I phoned the police station and they did not want to hold up the folks travelling to work any longer and this was the quickest way? hmmm not sure I agree. Have a better day anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I amazingly did get tickets to Body Worlds. When I went back it was sold out. I have had that happen before, so sometimes there is only one lucky person.
This time it was me.

Anonymous said...

What on earth was this moose doing? And where? I heard about this on the news, but I didn't think they'd kill it. Why did they shoot it?

Sheesh, I thought they tranquilized it.

Anonymous said...

July 31 EBWOD - 'trains'

Anonymous said...

the moose had crossed deerfoot onto the airport grounds and was headed east toward the runways. F and W tried to get close enough to tranquilize it, but unfortunately the moose could 'see them coming'. Not much else they could do at that point. It is a very sad scene.

Anonymous said...


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