August 19, 2008

Hi All, It's me the old Jack blog guy. I am helping out a bit while the new one is busy with the little baby. Can't promise everyday but between the two of us we should get a a better track record.

OK lets do the jack stuff.

Neil Young Trivia - Tuesday = "SCORPIO"
Early Bird Word = "GIANT"
Word of the Day = "POISON"
and then there is a 2000 points bonus code "MOUNTAIN" and this
weeks Jack in your inbox code = BOUNCY"

ENJOY the slightly cooler weather today.


Treena said...

How much time do you get to enter the earlybird WOD?

Anonymous said...

It has to be entered by 9 am.

Anonymous said...

Wed. Aug 20th EBWOD = "browse"

Anonymous said...

Neil Young Trivia - Wednesday = "Toronto"

Anonymous said...

wod frighten

Anonymous said...

I tried to leave the EBWOD and WOD the other day but it said I had to be a member of the team...... I'm glad it's back to normal and any/all can post.