November 18, 2008

Good morning,

Was too late for the EBWOD, but the WOD is "trendy", and virtual mall bonus code is "bell" for 100pts.

have super day all!!!


Anonymous said...

Dug's blog bc: Homebrew

Anonymous said...

blog bc - abbey

Anonymous said...

SVU BC - mailbox

Anonymous said...

Quote: "To whomever wrote that they'd like to see how Rule #9 can be enforced...

A simple ploy by JackFM (under the guise 'anonymous') of posting a *special* bonus code here could be the undoing of all who fall into the trap."
End Quote.

Great! Now I am paranoid too!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Chill, it's for free and it's fun. Anyone wants my points is fine by me, I enjoy hearing about little ones and how everyone is doing. Will Rita do it again tommorrow...Stay tuned. Jack don't know Jack and they sure don't want to lose faithful listners, so keep blogging and keep listening, a greatway to pass the winter months. Jack is a great station, that's what brings us here.

Anonymous said...

boy wouldn't that suck if a 'first timer to the site' hasn't read rule 9, takes the bait on a 100pt 'gonna catch you guys' trap, and then loses all the points they'd earned legitimately (sp?) over the course of months of faithful playing. I think the person losing those points would be upset enough to generate way more negative publicity for a great station, so I don't believe it would happen. Blogs posted recently lead me to believe it was REALLY TOUGH to win anything (although some people have mentioned nailing great prizes - kudos).

I too like hearing about whatever issues there are - the points are kinda second ;)

Anonymous Scott

Anonymous said...

Virtual holiday mall code = season

Anonymous said...

Wednesday Nov 19th EBWOD = "PLANES"

Guess Who :) said...

Rita who? me?
But of course and if someone wants my points. They can take them and stick them where the sun don't shine. This is a fun site and things like giving the words go on all the time. This is not the only site that gives the words for Jack and other radio sites as well. Anyway, I'm not paranoid and I've never won anything and figure I won't ever. And I'll give you the WOD day before they announce this morning, like I try to do every morning.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Rita has 3 accounts and thats how she gets the wod early. Process of elimination!

Guess Who :) said...

Maybe Rita has more than 3 accounts. :) Maybe Rita can afford to have her points taken from one of her account :) Maybe Ritas accounts are in different names. How about when I set up my blog, I'm so greeen on the computer that I didn't know how to set up ANONYMOUS!!!!!!!

Guess Who :) said...

Get ready everyone here it is
WOD: Disable

Guess Who :) said...

Is this better

Anonymous said...

You guys are GREAT!!!

Ismaril said...

Lol @ Rita (if that's your real name...)

Anonymous said...

EBWOD: Plane

Guess Who :) said...

If I was Rita and not guess who. I would probably say that was her real name LOL

Guess Who :) said...

How many of us that post our comments, that have won the $1000.00 or used our points and won it. Certainly not me.