November 19, 2008

What a beautiful morning with a fresh coat of snow.

Today the early bird word is PLANES you know the machine people use to go to the warmer places. DISABLE is the normal freeloader word of today.

Then some bonus codes:
season, abbey and homebrew


Anonymous said...

Yes it sure is gorgeous out there isn't it?

I'd like to take the time to thank you and all others again for providing this service to the rest of us that just can't seem to get up early enough to catch the WoD!


P.S. Only 35 days left 'till Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody else experience the problem of not being able to logout from the freeloaders club screen? It seems to be an intermittent thing and the reason I notice it is that I enter codes for my wife right after I enter them on my account. I have to logon to another Rogers radio website then when I go back to Jack Freeloaders I can logon OK (??????)

Guess Who :) said...

Same thing happens to me. I have to open different pages to be able to log in. It's not just on my home computer, I've tried to log in on my sisters and my work and the same thing is happening to me.

Anonymous said...

Hi, just thought that I'd let you know that since Jack added the Word Verification on the Store items, I have been able to get tickets for the Craft Sale that was for sale on Monday at noon AND the one that was on sale at noon today. I remember when there were comments about not being able to purchase from the store. I know I used to be disappointed all the time. Time to try again and a big THANKS to all of you that helped me get the points.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else having problems accessing freeloaders right now??

Anonymous said...

SVU BC - percent

Anonymous said...

To those having trouble logging out, are you perchance using Safari?

Anonymous said...

If your having issues with logging on/off from any web page using multiple accounts on the same computer. Un-check the 'remember me' box. If that's checked the machine doesn't know what account to remember. It will write a cookie to the machine and try and over-write it each time you try and use a different account.

Poor machine starts to have identity issues.

Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it with the logging out, it's been doing that for a few months, think of the world without the NET, SCARY, anyone remember Reboot ?? Loved watching it with the kids. Can you picture how much info is being transferred in any given moment, no wonder why the site hangs. Rita can you do it again (if that's your real name)lol, we're cheering for ya...

Anonymous said...

THurs EBWOTD - Cattle

Anonymous said...

Virtual Mall - caroling

Guess Who :) said...

WOD: Photocopy

Guess Who :) said...

OMG, all my points are gone. They took them all.

Guess Who :) said...

just kidding haha