april 15, 2009

Wednesday and that means middle of the week, i can't wait for the weekend. My week is so busy not even funny but weekend will bring some time to relax.

Today the early bird word is MIRACLE like all the work i already got done and OVERTIME the word of the day is like what i am getting lots of this week.

The big bag of cash

AM = $0
PM = $800

It seems that people are a bit to greedy or what do you think?


Anonymous said...

GO FLAMES GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You can't win big if you don't go for it. It's funny how people are always accused of being "greedy" when they lose, but when they hang in and win no one ever calls them greedy - just lucky.

Trevor said...

BBC PM: $800

Anonymous said...

Greedy listeners? How 'bout accusing the radio station of being greedy? They had a specific amount of cash in their budget to give away and their intention wasn't to reward their loyal listeners but instead they aimed to drag it out as much as they could for increased ratings. Pfft! The radio station is not only greedy but they intentionally misled listeners into thinking this contest was some big deal when it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

SVU bonus code = oblique

Anonymous said...

Bag$ = $1400
Anyone know the Early bird word?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did they mislead their listeners? It is a big deal. It's the best cash giveaway going. I and all the MANY other winners would tend to disagree with you. I won a thousand dollars. It sounds to me like you are a loser.

Anonymous said...

Jack didn't mislead me. I read their rules about the contest and it said it ended April 17th., so I knew that going in. I think it's a great contest and I hope they do it again. I too won big. Of course all these contests are to increase their ratings. That is how they stay in business. They need listeners or they will not survive. And it worked. Even though I won a long time ago, I still tune in twice a day to listen to the game . It's a lot of fun. It sounds to me like you are a SORE loser anon @8:07pm.

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk about a 'misleading' contest you should be talking about 'XL103 Million Dollar Birhday Game'. They played it every Thursday morning for 8 weeks and the players won between $500.00 and $1,000.00. All the TV advertising they did for that contest and for what? Now, that was misleading!

Anonymous said...

Having only listened to, but never actually *played* the game, I can't qualify as a sore loser.
Over the run of the contest I'd probably only heard it played a dozen or so times, and only ever in the afternoon (I didn't make a point of catching it but I would listen when it came on).
Still, I heard enough to sympathize with the callers. When someone took the time to phone in, feeling excited and nervous, only to get the buzzer two turns in - it went off at $250 sometime last week, for example - well, I feel bad for them. Don't we all root for the underdog?
Don't mistake a sympathizer, such as myself, for a "sore loser". That's elementary school logic there.
The radio station could do better. Even if they set a minimum of a few hundred dollars to start, rather than starting at zero. They'd still get callers and listeners, and they'd still have the same excitement of the game, but with a guaranteed amount of prize money for those who took the time to play and contribute to their ratings grab.
I want to see people win money. Don't you? (Or is it just easier to call them greedy or sore losers?)