Is Calgary gone do it? will today be a record temprature day. Personally I don't hope so but I guess lots of you out there like the heath.
Today LEAN made it as early bird word of the day. DIME is the word of the day.
Big Bag of Cash:
$600 for AM
for Noon
for PM
What do you think about the prices we can win these days? I think they kinda suck, where are the days that you could win a car or some of the other great price packs?
Funny you should bring up the subject of prizes, I was feeling the same way this morning and then I got a little disappointed. Interesting enough that we've been playing for say around or over 4 years and have lots of points but I think we're getting to the point that it's time to move on. I guess budgets be what they are, money is going to the Bag of Cash and not other things. This BOG is nowhere near the first one for excitment unless your a contestant. I like the morning show but lately I've noticed there are newer radio stations as some of the music is becoming stale and repetitive to the point I have to switch stations. Jack your losing listerners, play what you want but in the end you may be the only one listening. Thanks for looking after the Blog, it's been a pleasure.....
I thought I was the only one feeling that way :(
I agree with you too.... the prizes aren't attracive to me either and after Matt and Eric go off the air, I sign off too. I listen to other stations.... tired of hearing same old music each day, they need a better 'mix up': old new etc. 'spice it up'!
4:20 amount was 0.00
Last spring (March or April) they had a prize to go see Elton John and a trip to Paris. Today's "prizes" seem very pale in comparison, indeed.
Yes, thanks for the blog and thw ork. The comments worked well while you were away.
Verification is winscre - "Win seeker"? Isn't it ironic ...
I complained about the prizes the last go-round with this Big Bag o' Cash contest but now it's even worse. During the last BBoC contest I would make a point of listening, even if I didn't feel like calling in to play. Now, I won't go out of my way to be near a radio at the contest times. It's boring - either it ends in a buzzer or a mere few hundred dollars. *yawn*
And, by the way, when I posted my feelings here the last time, some of you jumped all over me, calling me a sore loser. I'm glad to see you aren't belittling the above-posters and are able to be more objective now.
I've also been switching radio stations of late. I'm finding 103.1 to be quite enjoyable.
For some reason, though, I keep coming to this blog so that I can collect points on Jack's site. Not exactly sure why I'm collecting points since I don't spend them. I guess old habits die hard.
Still, thanks to you folks who take the time to post the answers, and, of course, to those who run the blog.
I never called you a sore loser!
SVU code - volunteer
250 points with Bryan Adams link under Jactivities
Anybody get the BBOC for 12:20?
BBOC for NOON was $0
Thursday EBWOD - Staff
word of the day is BRAN
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