Nice comments to Yesterday's post. Good to hear that we are all in the same boat. Maybe one day I just put all my points on one price that I could use and see if I get lucky.
The early bird word today is STAFF and the freeloader word of the day is BRAN
Big bag of cash:
AM = zilch
I just want a million points...
And what would you do with a million, it's just a number that exists in your own mind, you can't do anything with it. You've formed a habit that is hard to break, I know, that's why I agree, Jack is hoping that people like us exist and collect points for the sake of collecting. Funny thing is when a worth while prize comes up, if ever, we'll all enter against each other and their system will overload because it won't be able to handle all the entries, LOL.
noon bboc = 0.00
I'm almost at 2 million
bboc 4:20 = 950
Jack SVU code : DRAMA
EBWOD Friday - Rose
7:20 BBOC: $600
TS Word: Normalcy
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