September 30, 2009

INVESTMENT is the early bird word and FACTS is the word of the day.

BIG bag of cash

AM = $900
PM = $719

September 29, 2009

SOURCE is the early bird word and NUTRITION is the word of the day

Jack in your inbox bonus code is RETIREMENT

Big Bag of Cash:
AM = $950
NOON = $0
PM = buzzzzer

September 28, 2009

TOY is the early bird word and COUNTRY is the word of the day.

Big Bag of Cash

AM = $505
NOON = $725
PM = $518

Septmber 25, 2009

Friday again and the last one for this month.
I didn't make it in time to get the early bird word but the normal word of the day is NORMALCY

I use my points once in a while like i used some to buy the airport parking discount or try to get some movie tickets, but you don't need big sets of money for that.

The big bag of cash:
AM = $600

September 24, 2009

Nice comments to Yesterday's post. Good to hear that we are all in the same boat. Maybe one day I just put all my points on one price that I could use and see if I get lucky.

The early bird word today is STAFF and the freeloader word of the day is BRAN

Big bag of cash:

AM = zilch

September 23, 2009

Is Calgary gone do it? will today be a record temprature day. Personally I don't hope so but I guess lots of you out there like the heath.

Today LEAN made it as early bird word of the day. DIME is the word of the day.

Big Bag of Cash:

$600 for AM
for Noon
for PM

What do you think about the prices we can win these days? I think they kinda suck, where are the days that you could win a car or some of the other great price packs?

September 22, 2009

STANDARD is the early bird word of this Tuesday and GRANOLA is the word of the day.

Bonus code party every day

Big Bag of Cash:

AM = $ 525
Noon = $700
PM = buzzer

September 21, 2009

Monday is here and this is also the last day of summer with fall starting tomorrow. So enjoy the last summer day.

TONKA is the word of the day today and that remembers me of those big toy trucks that where there when I was little. START is the early bird word of today.

BALD is a bonus code.

Big Bag of Cash:

AM = $650
NOON = $ 620
PM = $1311

September 18, 2009

Still being sick meant today that I slept to long to do the early bird word.

But it is Friday and that makes weekend so all of you here enjoy your weekend.

Now back to the normal things.

DIABOLICAL is the word of the day today and HOME is a bonus code.

The the big bag of cash.
AM = $900
PM = $0

September 17, 2009

TIME is going so fast and that is why you need to be quick to play the early bird word witch is TIME today. And THANKS is the word of the day.

Big Bag of cash 7.20 = $480

September 16, 2009

A great day out there in Calgary and I am just being sick. A well at least I am able to do this.

Today the early bird word is PROOF and the normal word of the day is NEAT

The big bag of cash 7.20am = $475

September 15, 2009

AWESOME is the early bird word and LIFETIME is the word of the day

Bonus code 30 Years

Big bag of cash:

7.20 = $500

September 14, 2009

I am back and thanks to all of you out there that kept the site going when I was away.

The early bird word for Monday is PEACE and the freeloader word of the day is COFFEE

BIG bag of cash
7.20 = zilch

September 11, 2009

Friday is here and that means only one more day before i will get back from my trip. Lets hope the weekend in Calgary is nice.

Thanks to everyone helping out with all the comments (I hope) and I will be back doing new posts on Monday.

September 10, 2009

I expect that I am having lots of fun on my little holiday to New York. By now I probably saw all the cool things and am still enjoying my time.

September 9, 2009

It 's already Wednesday and that means just a couple more days before I will return to Calgary.

September 8, 2009

Tuesday is here I hope you all have fun in Calgary.

September 7, 2009

OK I am away to New York so there will be automatic posts every morning so that our helpfull visitors can leave the comments at the right day.

Don't know if Jack has anything on this holiday Monday. But you never know.....

September 4, 2009

OK Friday is here and that means long weekend.

I will be in New York next week. But will leave a little post for each day(will schedule them to appear on the right day) so that maybe some of you can leave comments with all the info for that day under it. It would be great if you all would help like that and keep this page going even if I am away.

Have a great weekend and I will be back on Monday the 14th.

Today Jack gave us SOCIETY as early bird word and SYNCHRONICITY as word of the day.

The big bag of cash am is $753

September 3, 2009

OPERA is the early bird word and SCORCHER is the jack word of the day

Big Bag of Cash
AM = $ 662

September 2, 2009

First of all Sorry if any one try to email me to help out. But Google seem to have closed my jackfreeloader account without me even telling. So if any one send me an email maybe drop me a note again by comment.

For now the plan for next week (when i am gone) is to make a post for everyday that i am away so that you all can leave comments in the right day. (thanks for the tip Robert)

OK back to the normal stuff. The early bird word is JUNCTION and the normal word of the day is

then the BIG bag of cash

am = buzzer (AGAIN)
Noon = Buzzer

September 1, 2009

CHESTERFIELD is the early bird word and KNIGHTS is the word of the day.

Big bag of cash AM = BUZZER

Bonus code for today is WINNERS