Monday again and the weather looks great I am having a cold but nothing that can stop me from going to work of course.
The Early Bird word is BREED and the freeloader word of the day is COMPELLED
FLAPJACK = 1000 points
FENDER = 2000 points
and the new jack in your inbox is IMPRESSIVE but is not working yet.
When I feel a cold coming on, I take garlic pills (usually Jamieson brand). I start off by taking 9 as soon as my throat gets a little sore, then I switch to taking 6 at each meal. If I catch it in time, this staves off the cold. If I'm already in a full-blown cold by the time I get around to taking garlic, I notice that my symptoms become quite tolerable after I ingest garlic. Not everyone believes me when I tell them this but I always say it's worth a try atleast - it can't hurt.
Anyhow, thanks for all the help you give with the Jack Words. Feel better soon.
How does the Early Bird work? When I'm logged in to put in the WOD I don't see a spot for EB. Is a time thing, like it disappears by 10am or something?
Impressive works now!
Early bird has to be entered before 9 am.
Blog word is "young"
Tue. Sep 30th EBWOD = "Unable"
BC "Jetpack" - 500pts
Sorry to hear about your cold. I've found that Cold FX works great, too.
WOD - Due
"Young" doesn't work any more.
Garlic pills are okay, but my Ukrainian Grandpa swore by the Old Country rememdy. Chop up a clove of real garlic, swallow it like a pill washed down with a glass of homebrew.
Ain't a germ in the world gonna live through that!
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