September 29, 2008

Monday again and the weather looks great I am having a cold but nothing that can stop me from going to work of course.

The Early Bird word is BREED and the freeloader word of the day is COMPELLED

FLAPJACK = 1000 points
FENDER = 2000 points

and the new jack in your inbox is IMPRESSIVE but is not working yet.


Anonymous said...

When I feel a cold coming on, I take garlic pills (usually Jamieson brand). I start off by taking 9 as soon as my throat gets a little sore, then I switch to taking 6 at each meal. If I catch it in time, this staves off the cold. If I'm already in a full-blown cold by the time I get around to taking garlic, I notice that my symptoms become quite tolerable after I ingest garlic. Not everyone believes me when I tell them this but I always say it's worth a try atleast - it can't hurt.
Anyhow, thanks for all the help you give with the Jack Words. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

How does the Early Bird work? When I'm logged in to put in the WOD I don't see a spot for EB. Is a time thing, like it disappears by 10am or something?

Anonymous said...

Impressive works now!

Anonymous said...

Early bird has to be entered before 9 am.

Anonymous said...

Blog word is "young"

Anonymous said...

Tue. Sep 30th EBWOD = "Unable"

Anonymous said...

BC "Jetpack" - 500pts

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your cold. I've found that Cold FX works great, too.


Anonymous said...

WOD - Due

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"Young" doesn't work any more.

Anonymous said...

Garlic pills are okay, but my Ukrainian Grandpa swore by the Old Country rememdy. Chop up a clove of real garlic, swallow it like a pill washed down with a glass of homebrew.

Ain't a germ in the world gonna live through that!