November 2, 2007

I guess i am a bit late but i hope you still found the early bird word "NUTS" in the comments.

Our normal word for this sunny Friday is again a fruit and this time it is "grapefruit".


Anonymous said...

lol you were to late for me darn miss lots of points but thanks or the update

Lazagna said...

anonymous, don't forget to check the previous days comments. The early bird word is almost always there so you won't miss it.

Anonymous said...

You can tell that lots of freeloaders have a bundle of points, that is why Jack keeps increasing the points required to buy anything. What used to cost 11,000 to 15,000 now is in the 20 to 30,000 range. Or higher. Talk about Alberta inflation! I hae dumped in excess of 40,000 points in various raffles and come away with nothing. My thoughts are to convince all you freeloaders not to enter the raffles, so the next time I do, I actually have a slim chance at winning. : )

Anonymous said...

Monday's Early Bird Word is "JAZZ".

The email bonus code is "MARTIAN".

Anonymous said...

Monday's Word of the Day "hill"